Welcome to the first official Modern Country Style tutorial!
I love the fashion for all things Scrabulous and thought I'd do my bit for the Scrabble revival cause. Plus, could there be a better opportunity to try out my new glue gun!

Oh yeah, baby. I got myself a new craft toy.
I know I'm about a gazillion years behind everyone else who seem to have had glue guns from birth (and what a great baby shower present that glue gun would be...) but better late than never, right?
This is what to do to make yourself brilliant (and useful...a good combination in my book) Scrabble magnets.
Step 1
Find yourself a Scrabble set.
It's definitely worth sniffing out older versions, because the tiles seem to have so much more character. You could try hunting out older sets in charity shops, car boot sales, yard sales or your parents' games cupboard....

Step 2
Pick out the letters you need.
You could choose random ones for pinning up notes or you could pick out tiles that spell out a message, as I've done. Can you see what it is yet?! (I always knew I was destined to have a Rolf Harris moment.)

Step 3
Get your little button magnets ready- one per Scrabble tile.
(I got mine from ebay.....is there *anything* you can't buy on there?!).
Do check to make sure they're all thoroughly magnetised because occasionally you get a dud that's been knocked about and has lost its magnetism. It is possible to get it back (by stroking it in one direction with another magnet until it's remagnetised) but a whole lot easier to start with good ones....unless magnet-stroking floats your boat, in which case, by all means, be my guest...

Step 4
Step 5

Step 6

Step 4
Attach the magnet to the back of the tile with a glue gun. Check me out with my new craft toy! Meet my new glue gun on its maiden voyage.
Why didn't I get one of these years ago?

Step 5
Press the magnet down onto the Scrabble tiles. Is this necessary with a glue gun? I'm not sure but I did it anyway. Spot the glue gun virgin. *blush*

Step 6

Wait for the glue to set and then put them on the fridge (as I've done)....or radiator.....or anywhere you want that's magnetic.

I'm linking to the weekend parties on my side bar!