Hello gorgeous! You're looking especially lovely today, if I may say so. I do hope you haven't gone to too much trouble on my account....:-)
I've put up a special Commenters widget to SPOTLIGHT the best commenters on Modern Country Style. Can you see it? Is your name on the list? If you post enough comments to get you into the top ten, you automatically get a link from Modern Country Style to your site. How cool is that? Was there ever a better incentive?!
I'm so grateful for the lovely comments Modern Country Style receives. But....I know lots more of you are out there....lurking!
Are you a lurker or a commenter? Let me know by clicking on 'Leave a comment' below and then...errrr....leave a comment.....
Oooh, and I have some exciting news! Modern Country Style was featured on Tattertots and Jello! Thank you to the lovely Jen for picking out our Modern Country Kitchen renovation.
And it was featured on Simply Designing too. Thank you, Ashley, for also choosing our kitchen makeover!
What's that? You'd like a peek too? As always, your wish is my command: just click on the new photo of our kitchen in the sidebar, all related posts will pop up like magic and you can browse away till your heart's content.
Well, I've had a lovely day today making cushions. Nothing says 'snuggle up into me' more than a sofa filled with inviting, plumptious cushions. Don't you agree?
I found these lovely ones on Ebay. Aren't they finished beautifully? I am very keen on beautiful finishes. I've been practising and practising. a lot of practise has been needed for producing any where near a beautiful finish but I think I'm getting there.
Two things make a humungous difference to a good finish. Measuring well initially is the first. Not my forte, I have to say. However, painful and frustrating experience (can you hear my sobs echoing?!) has shown me that it really is worth doing properly.
And the second is: pressing, pressing, pressing. It's quite miraculous how much of a difference a good ironing session makes to the quality of the finished product.

Anyway, I've been sewing away very industriously and will soon have some, I hope, beautifully finished cushions to show you..
I will report back very soon.
Now, on to you! I'd love to know what you like and what you'd like to see more of on Modern Country Style. Is it the photos? The tutorials? Our house renovation? I'd love you to let me know....