I thought I'd do a little spotlight on my top commenter today (see my Modern Style Top Commenter gadget on the sidebar....are you listed there yet?).
The number one spot goes to........................Michelle from Emerald Cove. I've been a Follower of Michelle's blog for a couple of months and it's lovely!
Three things I LOVE about her blog:
It's chatty. Michelle has got the kind of writing style that makes reading it a mixture of curling up with a good book and chatting with your best friend.
Her ideas are orignal. Check this out.....
Yes, Michelle made that with her bare hands!
Her photos make me laugh. This photo is from the same post:
What a power-tool babe!
Errr....I should add that when I went over to see Emerald Cove to get these photos, I saw that Michelle has givenme an AWARD! Thank you!!
But now it looks like I did this post because of that award. *awkward silence*.
I really, honestly didn't know when I started this. But that's the kind of lovely award-giving sweet-commenting girl she is!