First, let me apologise for my husband's disgraceful behaviour. Hijacking my blog? Who does that rascal think he is?
♥ ♥ *swoon* ♥ ♥
I felt such a lovely mixture of extremely embarrassed and extraordinarily happy. I'd say this would be an accurate portrayal:
Are you feeling it?
The blush? The giggling? The lurrrrve?
Anyway, ahem....moving swiftly on, now that V-day is over, shall we get back on track with a bit of Kitchen Delectability?
As a little reminder, here at Modern Country Style, we're going through, step by step, how to makeover a kitchen on any budget....with plenty of other delightful distractions along the way.
We've looked at:
Step 1: Kitchen Foraging
Step 2: Narrowing Choices
and I do believe we're currently stopping off at:
Step 3: Colour Inspiration
I want the feel of my final colour choices to be calm and peaceful and this Kitchen of Serenity sums that up perfectly for me.
The Kitchen of Serenity has a very limited palette of white, pale grey and charcoal. So restful and gentle.
{L:O:V:E those pendants.}
The Kitchen of Serenity is spacious and airy. No clutter at all, apart from carefully placed objet de gorgeousness, as I like to call them, in an unbelievably pretentious fashion.
But, for reality's sake, I feel I have to ask 'Where's the kettle and the toaster?'
Is it a little bit *too* clean and clinical?
A bit *too* lacking in any colour or personality?
{What do *you* think?}
Images via Plain English