Hi lovelies.
We had an awesome weekend.
Family, friends, food and frolics. Perfect.
And I've been a busy little bee, purging, binning and sorting. A whole load of tat seems to have entered our house unrequested.
Tat has a habit of doing that, I find. How rude. ;-)
I suspect the kiddiewinks are the culprits. How many scraps of paper can one child need, I ask you?
Yes, I have officially entered purging season...when I whip myself into a frenzy of throwing-away-everything-in-sight!
Do you do that too?
Yes, I have officially entered purging season...when I whip myself into a frenzy of throwing-away-everything-in-sight!
Do you do that too?
Welcome back to our Kitchen Makeover.
I've completed Step 1: Kitchen-Foraging (which you can see here and here).
I've completed Step 1: Kitchen-Foraging (which you can see here and here).
Today is Step 2: Narrowing Your Choices.
Here's how I go about it:
I collect together all my inspiration images. I wait a couple of weeks and then I go through them again to check they all still score nine out of ten or above and bin any that don't meet the grade.
Yep, sometimes I accidentally let an eight out of ten slip in there.
I collect together all my inspiration images. I wait a couple of weeks and then I go through them again to check they all still score nine out of ten or above and bin any that don't meet the grade.
Yep, sometimes I accidentally let an eight out of ten slip in there.
Then I spread them out on the table in front of me and have a good, long look at them to spot any themes that occur across the board.
This is the best way I've found to narrow down what I really, reeeeeeeally like, as opposed to what is currently catching my fashion-eye. My aim is to try and create a kitchen that encompasses as much as possible of what I love. And will adore for a long time to come.
Here's a collection of some of the inspiration images that I've gathered like a naughty magpie.
So....what have they got in common?
♥ Love ♥
♥ Love ♥
Shaker-Style Doors
Blocks of Colour - very little pattern
Neutral shades
Wooden Units
Modern Country styling
Worktops made from natural materials.
♥ Love ♥
{Yes... I've just learnt to do that heart-thang, which is why those li'l hearts are popping up all over at the moment.}

{Yes... I've just learnt to do that heart-thang, which is why those li'l hearts are popping up all over at the moment.}

Now that I have a list of specifics to concentrate on, I can plan my kitchen around them as much as possible......rather than scrabbling around and ending up with a hotch-potch of all the different styles I love; this way should bring out one cohesive look.
And now a little reality check....
And now a little reality check....
Two words: