Well, this is a bit of jolt from my last post, isn't it?
From the sublime to the ridiculous size-wise. I thought I needed a bit more Keeping-It-Real. Can you believe the last kitchen I showed was from their holiday home? It was enooooooooooormous.
I chose this image to illustrate the softer side of Modern Country Style. Do you like it?
Isn't this lovely? It's very English Cottage, don't you think? I can just imagine the roses around the front door...
The walls are painted in Farrow & Ball Mouse's Back, which is a gorgeous smoky taupe - . It's the colour scheme that gives the room a deliciously Modern edge.
This is definitely another Modern Country Kitchen for my 9 out of 10 category. Remember, no inspiration pictures allowed unless you'd give them 9 out of 10 or above.
So, Step 1 of Making over your Kitchen, is definitely choosing images that make you happy.
At this point in my kitchen-foraging, I try not to analyse what I'm drooling over, I just go with what I ♥ love ♥.
Come back on Monday for Step 2 where I'll be sharing how I narrow down my choices.....
A hard task but someone's got to do it.
A hard task but someone's got to do it.