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Modern Country bedroom Inspiration....

Having had four littlies around for the last ten or so years, I was determined for our bedroom to be an absolute haven. Not from the littlies themselves so much, but from the stresses and strains of being in demand all day every day.

I wanted to make it a sanctuary for Mr Modern Country and I to sink into at the end of each day.  A place where we could brush the cares of the world aside and be together...

just me and him....

My perfect bed is......

 laden with pillows.....

a place to read.....

gorgeous even when unmade.....

a little bit glamourous....

good for a family midnight feast.....

surrounded by restful colours....

soft and snuggly.....

soporifically soothing....

my favourite place to be.....

Images: The White Company, The Modern Inventor, The White Company, Modern Furniture Sets, Colling Photography, Rosemary Sleigh, Paul Massey, Red Cover