I've had so many emails asking for details of our Modern Country bed linen that I thought it was worth posting about. I LOVE getting emails from you so I've answered all the enquiries separately but this one's going out to all you shy ones.....
All the bed linen is from The White Company who do *the* best home wares ever. Their bedding is so gorgeous that words (nearly) escape me.
The throw is quilted velvet and bordered with silk. It's so lovely and soft and warm and heavy.
The bed is made with two big square pillows at the back, propped up, and then two rectangular pillows leaning against them.
It makes me feel like the princess and the pea with all her layers and layers - eeerrrr......except there's no pea.....
I couldn't believe the number of emails I had from people telling me about their uncomfortable beds.
I will name no names but...............
Come on, girlies!!
You spend a third of your life (although I like to think I could potentially up this to two thirds, given half a chance....) in your bed.
The choice I present to you is an easy-peasy one: comfy or no? Luxurious sanctuary at the end of a hard day or bed-springs in your back?

I had the very exciting honour of guest posting at utterly gorgeous Jami's Freckled Laundry yesterday.
Thank you SO much to the lovely, generous Jami, an American sweetheart, for having me. I loved every single second of it.