Quick, quick. The Modern Country tour bus is leaving any second.
Tour bus, you say? What tour bus is that of which you speak?
Well, today I thought I'd take you on a little tour of my home.
You coming? Fantastic!
I was getting lonely all my myself.
Hop on the tour bus, and let's get this baby on the road.

Last time, here at Modern Country Style, we were having a chatteroo about the Belgian look, and how it uses a gorgeous, restricted colour scheme.
{Remember? If not, click here for a quick reminder}
I thought that the easiest way to show you
how I've taken that idea and
tried to make it work in our home is
to show you room by room.
I LOVE the colour scheme that Belgian Style uses: earthy shades of brown, greys, taupes, and off-whites, which draws your eye to the gorgeousness of what lies within the rooms.
But......and it's a biggie......
{Am I the only one now thinking of big butts? I am? Oh....}
....for me, it needs a bit more oomph. Not that I don't love the Belgian interiors I showed you but I prefer rooms where the walls speak to you, as well as the furniture.
I want to notice my walls, not to let them fade into the background.
The greys I've used have a smidgen of green and blue added, can you see? I think it helps to stop these rooms from looking too sombre.....
Sombre is surely never a good look in a boys bedroom....
I've used touches of red throughout the house, as an accent colour.
I love red. So cheery and warm and welcoming.
I completely adore the look that this palette creates.
{Please don't worry if all this talk of palettes confuses you, it's something I want to come back to shortly.}
Guess where I'm off to tomrrow? The Country Living Fair in London with my mum!
{And this time, I'll try to remember my camera. *blush*}
I'm linking to my favourite parties listed in the sidebar.