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New home for a cushion in the Master Bedroom

I promised that I had the perfect home in mind for the vintage-style button heart cushion I made (for tutorial see here). And here it is! Up in our Modern Country Master bedroom. Come right in....don't be shy!

I decided it would be best out of the way of twiddly, fidgety fingers in our bedroom. Do you have any fiddly fingers in your home? We have four littlies so that's FORTY twiddly fingers.

See my tempting buttons....don't you want to twiddle them?

Hmmm....do you see where I'm going with this? Look at those buttons. Tempting, aren't they?

 And that's a lot of buttons to fiddle with on that cushion. See why I thought the bedroom might be a safer option?!! Actually, on the whole, the kiddiewinks are great around the house. Very little crashing and bashing of Mummy's Things goes on.

Have you seen our Master bedroom before? If not, come on in! You can have a little look at the Before and After here, or by clicking on the photo of the Master Bedroom in the Sidebar. In fact, you can click on any of the 'room' photos in the sidebar if you fancy a fuller tour. More rooms will be added as soon as they're finished.

I think I whizzed through our rooms a bit at the beginning of Modern Country Style..I've had a lot of emails asking questions about it so I'll be putting up fuller posts shortly.

 Anyway, here is my new cushion in its new home! Doesn't it look snug as bug in a rug? There's no fidgety fingers up here so I think all will be well.