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Modern Country Baby's Corner

In these inspiration posts, I'm trying to choose photos that you could realistically live with, not what just looks good on the page. There's a WORLD of difference between a glossy magazine photo and what's pleasing to the naked (did that catch your attention?)  eye (especially my picky naked eye!), day-in-day-out. 

When you're around the house for much of each day, you want that 'Oooh!' moment to last......not just to when you turn the page but to next month and next year. I really hope these pictures help to provide that for you.

Doesn't it look like the yummiest reading corner? All cosy but still with natural light streaming in. Can't you just imagine snuggling up on that chair with a freshly bathed baby for the bedtime feed? I can almost smell that talcum powder.....

So......the million dollar question.........what makes this picture Modern Country?

Here's my list......
  • The tight colour palette: here, there's beige, charcoal - especially the charcoal; you wouldn't see that in a country scheme - and white. I love carefully constructed colour choices.  I want a bit of contrast in my rooms so I don't much like monochrome palettes on the whole. I think I'd tire of them. How do you feel? Do you like the white on white on white look that's very popular now?
  • The use of country furnishings with a Modern twist: the chair upholstered in a contemporary floral, the lampshade has a charcoal border.
  • The carefully chosen toys. They're old. They're loved. They're played with........

Just like a favourite room should be. :-)

{Is it working for you?}