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Case study: Farrow and Ball Light Blue

Farrow Ball Light Blue

I've had so many enquiries about our Master Bedroom wall colour that I thought I'd give the answer it's very own post,  featuring our bedroom and also other rooms I've sourced to give you the very best idea of how the colour plays out on the walls.

I'm guessing this is in full sun because the front door looks so pale....

I always look at as many images as I can (isn't the Internet great?!) when choosing a potential paint colour to give me as little chance as possible of a nasty surprise. It's astonishing how much some colours change from the paint chart to the wall, or even from room to room.

Farrow Ball Light Blue
On an overcast day.....
Farrow Ball Light Blue
I love the contrast of the Light Blue with the beams against the white of the ceiling..

The colour I chose for the Master Bedroom is.............drum roll, if you please.......Farrow and Ball's Light Blue.  I feel a short pause for applause would be appropriate here.... 

The names of Farrow and Ball's paints sometimes need to be taken with a pinch of salt and this is certainly a case in point.Yes, it is Light and yes, it does have a hint of Blue but is has SO much grey in it, as well as a touch of green that calling the colour plain old  Light Blue just doesn't do it justice. 

I adore the use of colour in this  kitchen.

There are plenty of images out there but some seem to have distorted the colour somehow so I haven't included those.. The images I've found for you are the ones that I felt show the best representation of how Light Blue actually looks to the naked eye.

Ooooh, I said naked.
Farrow Ball Light Blue
Here you can see the effect of shadows on the wall....
A small tester square gives no hint of how beautiful this colour is. It builds up in intensity in the corners of a room, yet reflects the light beautifully when given a chance.

I love that chandelier in this bathroom
 Not many colours can be cool and restful yet warm and cosy at the same time but this one can. I think it's safe to say that it's my all time number one supremo favouritest color evah!

So.....do you like it?

Question for today: 

What is your  favourite paint colour? I think colour choice says so much about people so I'd love to hear.....
 Farrow Ball Light Blue