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I started so I'll finish (honest!)...

It's time for a confession. I know I said in my last snuggly cushion post that it would be only a day's pondering to decide how to finish my second snuggly cushion. Well....I'm afraid I didn't pick it up again until yesterday. Actually, that's a lie (to further add to my list of crafting sins!): I had picked it up the odd time, only to sigh and put it right back down again.

I hope I have redeemed myself somewhat, because, yesterday, I (drum roll, if you please)....finished it!

I had a Eureka moment (very much like a blinding flash, I find. ;-) ) and decided that the opening could be the ornamentation (I don't even know if that's a word. But if it's not then it should be!).

I used mother of pearl buttons (do you recognise a theme here at Modern Country Style? Yes, I like mother-of-pearl buttons and I'm proud of it!) to form the closing, at one end. I needed them to be closely spaced so it wouldn't be gappy and show the inner peeking through.

I used two sizes of button in a three-medium-then-one-small repeat kind of pattern. To be honest, that started because I used the wrong sized button on my third go but I kind of liked the variation so kept it up.

Yes, you're right, that was a lot of button sewing! But aren't the buttons pretty with their dull iridescent lustre. What's not to like?!

I sewed each button in the middle of a ribbed row of knitting as the potentially messy back bit was going to show on the outside otherwise. Now, instead, I hope it looks like a neat(ish!) seam from the back:

The two cushions look good together, I think. Matching snuggliness and out of one cardigan too!

A big warm welcome, by the way, to you, especially if you are new to Modern Country Style. Have a good look around and do, please, make yourself right at home.