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Did you notice any new additions to the dining room fireplace photos?

I'm guessing not, unless you are extremely observant, so I will spill the beans...

I am the proud owner of these two towering candlesticks. They have been cast using some kind of concrete-looking composite and are verrrry and comfortingly (for a fire-holder, at any rate) heavy.

I bought these at Relics, which is one of my favourite shops for browsing gorgeous paint colours. We got our radiator covers from there and occasionally they stock other home delights too. Relics even has a basket full of toys, should you be so foolish as to take your children in their while you browse (ahem...yes, that's me!).

I love their rough elegance.

I've been on the eye for some BIG candlesticks for a while, rejecting some for being too spindly and others for looking too 'country manor'. These definitely cling to to the industrial edge of Modern Country Style and are juuuuuust right!

Not that I am in any way encouraging the winter to come round faster buuuuut I am looking forward to having lots of candles lit in our dining room at Christmas time, spilling their warm glow over the four walls. Aaaaaaaah.....

Now I must stop before I got all watery-eyed and nostalgic!

Linking to Faded Charm's White Wednesday.