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Clint Eatswood: premiere of Changeling in Cannes

An animated documentary about Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon and an unflinching portrait of the Naples mafia are among the frontrunners vying for top honours at the halfway stage of the Cannes Film Festival.

Eastwood and Jolie teamed up again today for the premiere of Changeling in Cannes

Moviegoers have generally been impressed with the quality of the competition films screened so far, although some say the main line-up has lacked the punch of a standout contender.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie leave their hotel in Cannes to have lunch with Clint Eastwood last night

That may have come with veteran actor and director Clint Eastwood, whose Changeling - starring Angelina Jolie - won warm applause after its press screening overnight.

"Usually at this stage we would have seen more absolute stinkers," said film critic and author Mark Cousins, who is attending his 18th Cannes festival.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie dine with director Clint Eastwood at Tetou restaurant in Cannes last night

Jolie stars in Eastwood's drama Changeling

"For me it's a rather high standard."

Among his favourites for the Palme d'Or is Waltz With Bashir, director Ari Folman's attempt to piece together buried memories of the 1982 massacre of Palestinians in Beirut's Sabra and Shatila camps.

Italy's Gomorra has been hailed for its bravery in depicting the brutal world of the Camorra crime network in Naples. It is based on the best-selling account by journalist Roberto Saviano, who has been living under police protection for the past two years.

Both entries are regarded as political, which may give them the edge if jury president Sean Penn wishes to highlight topicality alongside cinematic craft at the prize ceremony on Sunday.

But his impartiality could be tested by Eastwood's movie. It is based on the true story of Christine Collins, whose search for her missing son forces her to confront a corrupt Los Angeles police force and a serial child killer.

Penn starred in Eastwood's Mystic River in 2003, with which Changeling has been compared.

Source: ABC / Reuters

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