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Celine Dion received French medal

Celine Dion
The French President Nicolas Sarkozy has condecorated to Canada's Celine Dion with the Legion of Honour, a medal created by Napoleon in 1802 to honour France's civilian and military heroes.

Dion was originally granted the medal in 2005 but was unable to appear because of her commitment to perform in Las Vegas.

Dion, visibly moved, went to the act with authentic familiar troops: her husband, her son, her mother, as well as her 13 sisters and brothers, some of them with its own family.

Dion is in Paris on a concert tour, few days before a wax statue of her husband, Rene Angelil, will be unveiled at the Grevin Museum in Paris.
Wax statue of Celine Dion at Grevin Museum in Paris

Video: CELINE DION PARIS-BERCY 19/05/08 Et s'il n'en rester qu'une

Celine Dion était sur la scéne de Paris-Bercy pour la premiére parisienne de sa tournée mondiale !

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